Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Perimeter, area and volume

W.A.L.T...Calculate Areas + Perimeters
What I found hard: Adding them up 
What I found easy: Measuring them
What I can do next time: Make harder equations 

Monday, 25 September 2017

W.A.L.T... Use appropriate language features for a pick a path story
What I found easy: How to make it
What I found hard: What to write about

Monday, 18 September 2017

People that are isolated

W.A.L.T... Identify the people in our community who may be isolated What I enjoyed about this was: Thinking of different things people could be doing. Something I didn't enjoy was: looking for people

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Is graffiti vandalism or art?

Have you thought about it, if graffiti is messy, or art? Well if not, i'm here to tell you why it isn't messy, nor art!

In some countries, graffiti is classed as art, some also have a meaning behind it, like Bansky, he is a England-based Graffiti artist. Bansky goes around england doing graffiti.
Bansky is wanted by the police, because they think that what he does is vandalism, it is but it also has a meaning behind it. Some of it is art because they are told to do it, they also get permission from the council. Most of america's cities try to stop people from vandalising, but don’t you think that's what makes the walls look cool? Without the street art, the walls would be blank and boring.

Some countries such as America, class graffiti as defacement and vandalism, you could face punishments for this crime, not only because it's on others property, but because you don't have a permission to do it.

Most graffiti art around the world is messy, but it also has a meaning behind it. In some countries they have people to make massive paintings for them, but most of them are probably graffiti artist.

In my opinion, I believe graffiti is just messy art.