Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Should we be able to listen to music while we are learning?

I strongly believe that we should not listen to music because...

some people will start talking and they will get really loud and no one will be able to hear the music and we will all get angry. So therefore there would be no point listening to music.

Second of all, some people will start moving around even more and they will start making heaps of noise and some people will get angry, so the teachers will turn it off.

Third reason is that some of the music that some of us listen to in the class are violent or inappropriate for our ages in our class, So The teacher will turn it off and probably not let us listen to music again.

Another reason on why I think we shouldn't listen to music is some of us like different type of music so when we play the music people will just get angry because it isn't what they listen to because they might be into Justin Bieber, Chris brown, Justin timberlake, N.W.A or Tupac Shakur

Last but not least, I think we shouldn't listen to music is because some of us will get really annoyed because someone will start singing and they might not have a good tone so they might sound really squeaky when they sing and people will get annoyed and angry and that might lead to an argument and that might lead them to the principal's office and they might have to stay in there for the rest of the day

Therefore I strongly disagree that we should not listen to music while learn

-By Tyrell

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Hungry birds

Summarizing Paragrapgs

Key words-Calling and plan

Cam went to bed and all he could hear was chirpy calling for a mate so he thought of a plan to get him out from behind the machine

key words-Gripped and effort and cubbyhole

Cam gripped the washing machine and showed a great effort to try pull it out of the cubby hole


Tuesday, 17 May 2016

The seven different sacraments

We are learning to identify the seven different sarcraments

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Blooms Activity

1.) Where did the story take place?- The Chocolate Factory
Describe the most prominent Setting- The chocolate factory because they got to go in there and that was what the story was about

2.) List the five most important characters and describe them in detail

1-Charlie-The man Character
2-Mr willy Wonka-The one that makes Charlie's dream come true
3-Charlie’s Grandpa-The one who went with Charlie to the chocolate factory
4-Charlie's Mum-The one who gave Charlie some money to buy a chocolate bar
5-Charlie's Dad-

3. What other book has this author written?
-James and the giant peach,Matilda,The BGF and the witches

4.) Pick three different emotions the main character felt and explain why they felt like this
-Sad because he couldn't find the golden ticket
-happy because he found money on the ground
-excited because he found the golden ticket and he got to go to the chocolate factory

5.) What did the title have to do with the story?
Because it was about a boy named Charlie that went to a chocolate factory, Why did the author name it that? Because that's what happened in the story